22 mar 2019

UsA company's RULES

On behalf of our Leaders, Cabinet, and members, we welcome you in our UsA company. As a part of our team, we believe that you are going to be a best asset who can accomplish tasks day-to-day. We are very pleased to welcome you and we even look forward of working with you.

here are some rules we need to follow:

  1. RULES: 
  • Donate every day, every 1 or 3 hrs to reach 3:50hrs donation.
  • read emails.
  • Be aware of the alliance board (before to attack check allies).
  • Get closer to the hive.
  • Inform when you will be absent.
  • 4 days offline demoted.
  • 5 or more untagged, eventually hit (your rss better with us, than with RUS).
  • Don't fly aways during (KE, RvR events). in the contrary, participate. 

  • Donate 5 intel item, so everyona has the opportunity to participate.
  • Members with highest march capacity leads rallies and we join them.
  • after defeat a marauder donate 5 intel each one of you.

  • Identify your neighbors and reinforce them or reinforce the small bases before the events starts.
  • we receive 20 raids #10/20 are address to the castle, reinforce it when the time comes.
REGION vs REGION: (24hrs)
  • Do not fly away.
  • 1st stage: defend: war room, towers, castle
  • 2nd stage: attack other region's buildings.
  • when you teleport, inform the closest base to cover the empty spot.
  • cover the sport whit at least 1 troop encampment.